
Three associations of the class Carpino-Fagetea Jakucs et Passarge 1968 were described as а result of the classification of forest communities of the Colchis Lowland (Westem Transcaucasia) using the Brown­ Blanquet method. Association Vaccinio arctostaphilli-Carpinetum betuli ass. nova prov. was included in the order Lathyro-Carpinetalia Passarge 1981, alliance Crataego-Carpinion Passarge 1981. Associations Truello thunbergii-Alnetum barbatae ass. nova prov. and Carici remotae-Pterocmyetum pterocarpae ass. nova prov. were included in the order Rhododendro ponticae-Fagetalia orientalis Quezel et al. 1992, alliance Alnion barbatae Quezel et al. 1992. The results of the DCA ordination and the interpretation of the leading axes demonstrated three well-distinguished ecological and floristic types of deciduous forests (ofthe association rank) forming the ecological series according to the leading ecological factors - the degree of humidity of habitats and the degree of drainage of substrates. Twenty-three plant species - thermophilous Tertiary rehcs were found in all three associations. Of these, eight evergreen species play а significant phytocoenotic role in the formation of the understory in forest communities.The pecuharities of the Tertiary rehc speciesdistributions in the floristic compositions of described associations are discussed.


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