
Carbohydrate partitioning was investigated in different plant organs of Lachenalia cv. Ronina during bulb production under a low temperature regime. At 4-week intervals, data were collected on bulb, roots, leaves, inflorescence and carbohydrate composition. The roots and especially the bulb were found to be the main starch sinks of the plant, whilst the leaves and the inflorescence were the main source for soluble sugars. Changes in the starch concentration closely followed dry weight changes in the bulb during the growing season. When bulbs were initially exposed to a low temperature, starch was converted to soluble sugars, but thereafter sugars were low, indicating continued export and conversion to starch. Low sugar levels in the leaves and high levels in the inflorescence, with continuous starch increase in the bulb and roots, probably indicate that the inflorescence, but especially the leaves, produced ample photosynthates during the growing season.

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