
Microbial inoculants can be used to restore abandoned mines because of their positive effects on plant growth and soil nutrients. Currently, soils in greenhouse pot studies are routinely sterilized to eradicate microorganisms, allowing for better inoculant colonization. Large-scale field sterilization of abandoned mining site soils for restoration is difficult, though. In addition, microbial inoculants have an impact on plants. Plants also have an impact on local microbes. The interactions among microbial inoculants, native microorganisms, and plants, however, have not been studied. We created a pot experiment utilizing the soil and microbial inoculant from a previous experiment because it promoted plant growth in that experiment. To evaluate the effects of the plants, native microorganisms, and microbial inoculants, we assessed several indicators related to soil elemental cycling and integrated them into the soil multifunctionality index. The addition of the microbial inoculant and sterilizing treatment had a significant impact on alfalfa growth. When exposed to microbial inoculant treatments, the plant and sterilization treatments displayed radically different functional characteristics, where most of the unsterilized plant treatment indices were higher than those of the others. The addition of microbial inoculant significantly increased soil multifunctionality in plant treatments, particularly in the unsterilized plant treatment, where the increase in soil multifunctionality was 260%. The effect size result shows that the positive effect of microbial inoculant on soil multifunctionality and unsterilized plant treatment had the most significant promotion effect. Plant and native microorganisms amplify the positive effects of microbial inoculant.

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