
Topicality. An important condition for ensuring the development of the maritime complex companies is the formation of an effective strategy. The dynamism and uncertainty of the environment in which companies operate, necessitate taking into account the level of their economic security when making decisions about the choice of development strategy.Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to develop guidelines for choosing a strategy for the development of a maritime company based on an assessment of its economic security.Research results. The system approach to management of the company’s economic safety is considered. The content of strategic planning for the maritime company development and its correlation with the level of economic security are determined. Qualitative parameters of the corporate resources use in combination with the organizational and functional structure and relationships of structural units, as well as some quantitative guidelines for ensuring the functional components and the level of economic security of companies in general. To identify four strategic areas of the company’s economic security management in the field of maritime management is proposed. The mechanism of the maritime complex companies’ economic security management, its elements, the scheme of their action and interaction are determined to implement the chosen strategy. The priorities for choosing the strategy of the company’s development depending on the level of economic security are specified. The use of a scenario approach for economic security planning based on monitoring the risks and threats of the current activities of the maritime companies is proposed.Conclusion. The proposed approach allows characterizing the conditions of maritime management by the level of safety and on the basis of this information to determine the priority areas of strategic planning of the company’s economic security. Under the conditions of efficient use of corporate resources at company, favourable conditions will be created for achieving business goals, timely detection and maximum mitigation of various dangers and threats in conditions of competition and economic risk, and thus – will ensure the functioning and further development of the maritime complex.


  • The dynamism and uncertainty of the environment in which companies operate, necessitate taking into account the level of their economic security when making decisions about the choice of development strategy

  • The purpose of the article is to develop guidelines for choosing a strategy for the development of a maritime company based on an assessment of its economic security

  • The purpose of the study is to develop guidelines for choosing a strategy for the maritime companies development based on an assessment of its economic security

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Запропонований підхід дозволяє охарактеризувати умови морегосподарювання за рівнем безпеки і на основі цієї інформації визначити пріоритетні напрямки стратегічного планування економічної безпеки підприємств. За умов ефективного використання корпоративних ресурсів на підприємствах створюватимуться сприятливі умови для досягнення цілей бізнесу, своєчасного виявлення і максимального послаблення впливу різного роду небезпек і загроз в умовах конкуренції та господарського ризику, а відтак – забезпечуватиметься функціонування та подальший розвиток морегоподарського комплексу. An important condition for ensuring the development of the maritime complex companies is the formation of an effective strategy. The dynamism and uncertainty of the environment in which companies operate, necessitate taking into account the level of their economic security when making decisions about the choice of development strategy

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