
This power corridor will link the thermal stations situated on the coalfields of South Africa, to the hydroelectric powers stations in the Zambezi River (Cahora Bassa and Mphanda Nkuwa). Loads will be at Edwaleni in Swaziland, Maputo and Beira in Mozambique, Blantyre and Lilongwe in Malawi, Madagascar, Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and onwards towards Uganda and Kenya. The eastern corridor of Southern Africa has hydro, gas and thermal energy sources in particular in Mozambique. Emanating from the South African National Grid thermal power stations, two 400 kV transmission lines connect the port City of Maputo and the Swaziland Edwaleni substation to form the first part of the proposed Eastern Corridor. This is with the joint venture company, Motraco. From Maputo, the lines can run northwards to the port city of Beira and then onto Cahora Bassa hydroelectric power station connecting on the way the proposed gas thermal station in Temane. Cahora Bassa supplies Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa and a planned Malawi connection. This power station has the potential for expansion at the North Bank. Lower downstream, another power station, Mphanda Nkuwa is proposed. Close to Mphanda Nkuwa, there is the potential of building a thermal station based on coalfield in Moatize. Interconnecting these power stations will provide a very strong base for further extensions northwards to Dar-es- Salaam and with a DC tee-off to Madagascar. Madagascar is an island load off continental Africa. At Dar Es Salaam, opportunities exist for further extensions northwards towards Uganda and Kenya. In addition to the thermal and hydro energy sources, gas could also enter the power generation sector. At present, gas in Mozambique is imported by the Sasol Plant, in South Africa, as primary feedstock into the coal to gas to liquid petroleum conversion process.

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