
The primary goal of this project was to provide assistance and support for teachers of physical education in order to strengthen the competencies of this teaching area, subject matter and methods of teaching physical education and empower teachers in process of programming, planning, implementation and assessment/evaluation of teaching physical education. On the basis of the insight into the school program and curriculum for physical education and physical education-selected sports in 52 primary schools, the protocol were regarded as basic curriculum and basic document, the global and operational work plans. The objective was to review the level to which teachers synchronized and integrated programming, planning and implementation of educational standards and graded the minimum educational requirements in teaching physical education - chosen sport. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the teaching practice was not fully put to use: curriculum, curriculum for mandatory physical education and mandatory optional subject Physical Education - chosen sport, through the integration and harmonization of programs. In fact, the curriculum does not contain the required offer of teaching, extra-curricular and extracurricular activities in both subjects. No regard is taken of coordination between content and timing, individual differences of students and standards of achievement are not respected, no regard is taken over horizontal and vertical correlation; there is no planning for checking the realization of set educational standards in physical education and profiling the minimum educational requirements in teaching physical education - chosen sport. Also, there is lack of continuous monitoring and evaluation of horizontal and vertical linkage of programs, achievements and interests of students.


  • Modern education systems encourage teachers to look for different ways of teaching, helping them to create an educational environment that supports learning and personal development of students, and provide standards that would enable all students at the end of a certain educational level to have the same quality of knowledge

  • Integration and harmonization of programs of physical education and physical education - chosen sport is a fundamental prerequisite for achieving quality goals, objectives, general and specific operational tasks in both subjects

  • The established educational standards for the subject of physical education for the end of compulsory primary education are directly related to the implementation of goals and objectives, general and specific operational tasks defined by the national curriculum for fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades, for subject physical education

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Зоран Сретеновић Министарствио просвете и науке Републике Србије, Школска управа Крагујевац. Не води се рачуна о садржаjној и временској усклађености, не уважавају се индивидуалне разлике ученика и стандарди постигнућа; не води се рачуна о хоризонталној и вертикалној корелацији; не планира се провера остварености прописаних образовних стандарда у настави физичког васпитања и не профилишу се минимални образовни захтеви у настави физичко васпитање – изабрани спорт. Савремени образовни системи охрабрују наставнике да траже различите путеве поучавања, помажу им да креирају образовно окружење које подржава процес учења и лични развој ученика, а стандарди обезбеђују да сви ученици на крају одређеног образовног нивоа имају једнак квалитет знања. Вредновање физичког вежбања и физичког васпитања од стране ученика чине уверења, ставови и вредности које ученик поседује на крају основног образовања о физичком вежбању и физичком васпитању. Наставник треба да подстиче и развој способности рада у тиму, развијање критичког мишљења, креативности као и усвајање одређених уверења, интересовања и самоактуализацију ученика у физичком вежбању. Изостављањем ових циљева гаси се васпитна улога наставе оба предмета

Профилисање минималних образовних захтева
Образовни стандарди за обавезни предмет физичко васпитање
The content and timing
Profiling the minimum educational requirements
Educational standards for physical education a compulsory subject
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