
Mention is made of programming methods being increasingly applied to all sorts of engineering works, in view of meeting the requirements of rapid technological progress in our times. Some such methods are here outlined, special emphasis being laid upon the latest ones. They may provide either a detailed analysis of the programme or a synthesis of it, always giving a graphical evidence of the continuity of the work. and also of connections and interdependence of the several stages making up the work as a whole. Along with the classical and simple ⪡ bar diagram ⪢ by Gannt already used for a synthetic programme of the yearly drilling survey to be performed in a steam field, more complex and well-known methods are mentioned. such as PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method). An analytical programme is subsequently worked out for the various operations related to the drilling of a series of wells by applying the latest GASP method (i.e. Graph for the Analysis and Synthesis of Programmes). The latter achieves the same objectives as the two previous methods resorting to a simpler graphic procedure and more limited means. Needless to say that the aforesaid methods can be applied for general programmes as well as for individual detail operations in the drilling of wells. Once all statistical data and information featuring the work under examination have been collected and analyzed, the application of the abovementioned programmes enables the different technical and logistical factors to be correlated and co-ordinated, in view of attaining optimum working conditions and accordingly reaching the target in the most rational and profitable way.

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