
Virtualization via dynamic binary translation is essentially an emulator. The main advantage is that the CPU of the guest does not have to be the same as the CPU of the host. Although, dynamic binary translators (DBT) are gaining popularity and offering a promising future in the modern virtual executive environments, the requirements of DBTs’ processing and memory resources have seriously hampered the performance of host platforms. For cloud computing seems to offer incredible lightning-quick processing power and unlimited storage. In this paper, we propose a novel distributed DBT system-DistriBit for resource-limited thin clients computing. Meanwhile, we study the effects of the number of virtual registers and trace length to improve the performance of DistriBit. Our results demonstrate that improving these two factors (the number of virtual registers and trace length) may help to improve program speedup by up to 1.4 to 3.9x and 2 to3x for certain benchmark programs. Key words: Virtualization, dynamic binary translation, DBT, cloud computing, distribit.

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