
Bike sharing system is increasingly seen as a sustainable way of making short trips in a limited space like university campuses. This paper is the case study of a bike sharing system PEDL by Zoom Car that is introduced in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) campus. The main objective behind introducing this system is to reduce the vehicular movement inside campus and to create a safer, sustainable and pollution-free environment in the campus. In this paper, authors talk about the planning and design involved in launching the bike sharing system in the university campus. Further, a comprehensive analysis to identify the parking stations across the campus is shown in the paper. The importance of GIS in identifying these stations and accessibility analysis will be explained in this paper. A preliminary usage analysis and statistical analysis are carried out to estimate the OD matrix, peak hour trips and non-peak hour trips. The data is also used in estimating the factors like maximum/minimum number of trips per day, maximum round trips and also the trip durations which further help in understanding the bike usage pattern of the users. This being a new system in the campus has a limited data for analysis which is a limitation for this paper. The future work involves in collecting more data on demographics and to model the mode share in the bike sharing scenario in university campuses.

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