
Fluorescent probes have supplanted more conventional techniques in many experiments due to their versatility, sensitivity, and measurability. Topiramate, the objective compound lacks fluorogenic or chromophoric moieties rendering its direct analysis impractical. Without these groups, the molecule lacks the ability to fluoresce or absorb light in its natural state when subjected to a source of ultraviolet radiation. Tagging with a tracking reagent or fluorescent probing can overcome this phenomenon. Under the specific conditions In this study, a new, eco-friendly, practically applicable, and specific fluorometric approach to the assay of none fluorescent drug, topiramate was proposed. The planned analytical approach is dependent on the integration of fluorescence probes through the use of the o-phthalaldehyde reagent to yield a potent fluorescent product that can be measured fluorimetrically. Topiramate's unsubstituted amine moiety can condense with o-phthalaldehyde and thiol moiety in a buffered solution. After being excited at 339 nm. the product was measured at em 440 nm. This technique provides linearity within a concentration scale of 0.1–0.9 µg mL−1. The system quantum yield was evaluated by a comparative method. Also, the probe validation was analyzed in accordance with the standards set by the International Council for Harmonization (ICH). Excipients had no appreciable impact on the proposed probe's performance when testing topiramate in both batch powder and commercially available products. The results show remarkable consistency with the documented reference method with no obvious discrepancies between the two. Finally, the planned system was evaluated from the environmental side through different ecological metrics such as National Environmental Methods Index (NEMI), Eco-Scale Assessment (ESA), Green Analytical Procedure Index (GAPI), and Analytical GREEnness measure (AGREE) and showed a high degree of greenness (ES: 93/100; AGREE 0.75/1 and full green NEMI pictograms).

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