
The purpose of the article is to provide scientific and theoretical substantiationof conducting the All-Ukrainian competition of student’s scientific works as aneducational project and its planning by Microsoft Office Project. Organization ofthe competition of student’s scientific works as a project will allow to detail theworks (tasks) necessary for the implementation of the project; assign them labor,material and financial resources; to identify critical works of the project, the delayof which can affect the terms of project completion; effectively manage the content,time and resources of the project. And the use of Microsoft Office Project willhelp speed up the analysis of the project by rendering it, finding answers to thequestions “what will happen, if …?” and also monitoring its implementation. Themethodology of the study is to use such method of network planning as a methodof a critical path for project work planning. The scientific novelty of the resultsis that the holding of the All-Ukrainian competition of student’s scientific workswas considered as an educational project, its planning was carried out by MicrosoftOffice Project. Conclusions. Implementation of the developed project at LesiaUkrainka Eastern European National University allowed the head and secretary ofthe organizational committee to promptly and efficiently implement the monitoringand control processes for its implementation. The versatility of the developedproject is that it can be used in the activity of any institution of higher educationof Ukraine, which is defined as the basis for conducting the All-Ukrainiancompetition of student’s scientific works in the fields of knowledge and specialties.

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