
When a planned special event (PSE) is mentioned, large and international organizations are considered. These organizations attract so many people all around the world to local points. However, relatively small scale PSEs such as ordinary league games that are organized once every two weeks that impact the daily traffic of the cities especially metropolitans, are neglected. This paper focuses on the travel demand modelling of the ordinary super league games in Istanbul. As a purpose of this paper, in order to obtain a customizable and standalone PSE model, survey design and data collection procedures, a new methodology for trip generation, trip distribution, and modal split steps of the traditional 4-step demand modelling are considered. With the opportunity provided by the newly proposed methodology, unlike most previous studies in literature, all trips and activities in the same day with the PSE are taken into the modelling process. Because of the nature of the PSEs, participants prefer to perform additional (derived) activities in the time between leaving the origin and joining the PSE. Accordingly, 1, 2, and 3-step groups are defined, and the shape of trip length distributions are different not only from the peak hours but also from each other. At the end, the model estimation and development of the PSE travel demand model are presented with conclusions and suggestions.

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