
The Eastern Mediterranean Sea, except the N.Aegean Sea and the Adriatic Sea, is characterized by a subtropical climate favourable to thermophilic and halophilic species [1] and therefore its plankton consists mainly of subtropical elements [2]. The Ionian and Levantine Seas offer depths often over 3000 m and have a narrow continental shelf. The main water masses in the Ionian Sea are the Modified Atlantic Water, the Ionian Surface Water, the Levantine Intermediate Water and the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Water [3]. The latter two water masses are present also in the Levantine Sea along with the Surface Levantine Water [4]. The Aegean Sea is divided in two distinct parts: (a) the N.Aegean, which presents an alternation of plateaux and deep troughs and receives Black Sea waters (b) the S.Aegean that is characterized by the Cyclades plateau followed by the deep Cretan basin [5]. The latter communicates with the Ionian and the Levantine Seas through the western and eastern straits of the Cretan Arc respectively.

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