
1. Prerequisites 2. Some Facts About Polynomials 3. Affine Plane Curves 4. Tangent Spaces 5. The Local Ring at a Point 6. Projective Plane Curves 7. Rational Mappings, Birational Correspondences and Isomorphisms of Curves 8. Examples of Rational Curves 9. The Correspondence between Valuations and Points 10. An Overview and Sideways Glance 11. Divisors 12. The Divisor of a Function Has Degree 13. Riemann's Theorem 14. The Genus of a Nonsingular Plane Curve 15. Curves of Genus 0 and 1 16. A Classification of Isomorphism Classes of Curves of Genus 1 17. The Genus of a Singular Curve 18. Inflection Points on Plane Curves 19. Bezout's Theorem 20. Addition on a Nonsingular Cubic 21. Derivations, Differentials and the Canonical Class 22. Adeles and the Riemann-Roch Theorem

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