
The straylight contamination due to the Galactic emission (GSC, Galaxy Straylight Contamination) entering at large angles from the antenna centre direction may be one of the most critical sources of systematic effects in observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies by future satellite missions like {\sc Planck} and MAP. We describe here different methods to evaluate the impact of this effect and compare it with other systematics of instrumental and astrophysical origin. The contributions within few degrees from the beam centre dominate the GSC near the Galaxy plane. The antenna sidelobes at intermediate and large angles from the beam centre dominate the GSC at medium and high Galactic latitudes. We find a GSC peak at $\sim 15\mu$K and a GSC angular power spectrum above that of the white noise for multipoles $\ell \lsim 10$ albeit smaller than that of CMB anisotropies by a factor larger than $\sim 10$. Although the GSC is largest at low Galactic latitudes, the contamination produced by far pattern features at medium and high Galactic latitudes, peaking at $\sim 4\mu$K, has to be carefully investigated, because the combination of low amplitude of Galaxy emission in those regions with the extremely good nominal {\sc Planck} sensitivity naturally makes high Galactic latitude areas the targets for unprecedentedly precise estimation of cosmological CMB anisotropy.

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