
Hepatic microenvironment plays an essential role in liver regeneration, providing the necessary conditions for cell proliferation, differentiation and tissue rearrangement. One of the key factors for hepatic tissue reconstruction is the extracellular matrix (ECM), which through collagenous and non-collagenous proteins provide a three-dimensional structure that confers support for cell adhesion and assists on their survival and maintenance. In this scenario, placental ECM may be eligible for hepatic tissue reconstruction, once these scaffolds hold the major components required for cell support. Therefore, this preliminary study aimed to access the possibility of mouse embryonic stem cells differentiation into hepatocyte-like cells on placental scaffolds in a three-dimensional dynamic system using a Rotary Cell Culture System. Following a four-phase differentiation protocol that simulates liver embryonic development events, the preliminary results showed that a significant quantity of cells adhered and interacted with the scaffold through outer and inner surfaces. Positive immunolabelling for alpha fetus protein and CK7 suggest presence of hepatoblast phenotype cells, and CK18 and Albumin positive immunolabelling suggest the presence of hepatocyte-like phenotype cells, demonstrating the presence of a heterogeneous population into the recellularized scaffolds. Periodic Acid Schiff-Diastase staining confirmed the presence of glycogen storage, indicating that differentiate cells acquired a hepatic-like phenotype. In conclusion, these preliminary results suggested that mouse placental scaffolds might be used as a biological platform for stem cells differentiation into hepatic-like cells and their establishment, which may be a promissing biomaterial for hepatic tissue reconstruction

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