
Squamate placentas support physiological exchange between mothers and embryos. Uterine and embryonic epithelial cells provide sites for transporting mechanisms and extraembryonic membranes provide the scaffolding for embryonic epithelial cells and vascular systems. Diversity in placental structure involves variation in extraembryonic membrane development as well as epithelial cell specializations. Variation in placental ontogeny is known to occur and, although lineage specific patterns have been described, phylogenetic distribution of specific patterns is poorly understood. Xantusia vigilis is a viviparous lizard in a monophyletic clade, Xantusiidae, of predominantly viviparous species. Xantusiidae is one of two viviparous lineages within the clade Scincoidea that provides an important outgroup comparison for Scincidae, which includes the largest number of independent origins of viviparity among Squamata. Previous reports contain brief descriptions of placental structure of X vigilis but the developmental pattern is unknown including relevant details for comparison with skinks. We studied placental ontogeny in X. vigilis to address two hypotheses: (1) the pattern of development of placental architecture is similar to species of Scincidae and, (2) placental epithelial cell specializations are similar to species of Scincidae. The terminal placental stage of X. vigilis is similar to skinks in that it includes a chorioallantoic placenta and an omphaloplacenta. The chorioallantoic placenta is richly vascularized with thin, squamous epithelial cells separating the two vascular systems. This morphology differs from the elaborate epithelial cell specializations as occur in some skink species, but is similar to many species. Epithelial cells of the omphaloplacenta are enlarged, as they are in scincids, yet development of the omphaloplacenta includes a vascular pattern known to occur only in gerrhonotine lizards. Histochemical staining properties of the epithelium of the omphalopleure of the omphaloplacenta indicate the potential for protein transport, a function not previously reported for lizards.

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