
Dishevelled Associated Activator Of Morphogenesis 2 (DAAM2) levels are elevated in the maternal circulation and placenta in pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction. However, placental DAAM2 levels in cases of preeclampsia have not previously been explored. Here, we examined placental DAAM2 in pregnancies complicated by preterm preeclampsia, and whether candidate preeclampsia therapeutics altered its expression. DAAM2 mRNA and protein levels were assessed in placental tissue from cases of preterm preeclampsia and gestation-matched controls (delivering ≤ 34weeks; qPCR and western blot respectively). Short interfering RNAs were used to silence DAAM2 in isolated primary cytotrophoblast under normoxic (8% O2) and hypoxic (1% O2) conditions, and expression of anti-angiogenic sFLT-1, angiogenic PGF, antioxidant, fetal growth, and inflammatory genes assessed. DAAM2 expression was measured in placental explant tissue from pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia, treated with three proton pump inhibitors (100µM esomeprazole, lansoprazole, and rabeprazole). DAAM2 expression was significantly reduced in preeclamptic placental tissue compared to controls, but protein production was unchanged. Silencing DAAM2 in hypoxic cytotrophoblast increased sFLT-i13 isoform expression, but did not alter sFLT-e15a or PGF expression, or sFLT-1 secretion. DAAM2 knockdown did not alter expression of antioxidant (NQO-1, TXN, GCLC), fetal growth (SPINT1), or inflammasome (NLRP3) genes. Esomeprazole and lansoprazole, but not rabeprazole, increased DAAM2 expression in placental explant tissue from cases of preeclampsia. Placental DAAM2 protein is not significantly altered in placental tissue in cases of preeclampsia, and its suppression does not alter sFLT-1 secretion. Hence, placental DAAM2 is unlikely to drive the pathogenesis associated with preeclampsia.

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