
Effectiveness of cryopreserved placental drug ‘Placental cryoextract’ to correct the reproductive system disorders, occurring against the background of low levels of thyroid hormones, was studied in 50 male rats with mercazolyl hypothyroidism. Using standard test systems for animals, the level of total and free forms of thyroid hormones, total testosterone and estradiol was determined. The morphofunctional state of sperm (number, motility, pathological forms) was traditionally assessed. It was shown that the introduction of the biological product (at a dose of 50–150 μl / kg) restored the functional activity of the thyroid gland of animals, and the lowest dose was more effective. Placental cryoextract also had a dose-dependent effect on the reproductive system of animals with hypothyroidism: the most effective dose was 150 μl / kg, which maximally restored the morphofunctional parameters of sperm and stimulated testosterone production as well as normalized the Ts / E2 ratio. Cryopreserved placenta extract can be considered as a potential drug for the correction of hypothyroidism and reproductive disorders of endocrine origin in male rats.


  • Effectiveness of cryopreserved placental product ‘Placental cryoextract’ to correct the reproductive system disorders, occurring against the background of low levels of thyroid hormones, was studied in 50 male rats with mercazolyl hypothyroidism

  • Rats that were kept under similar conditions and received the same diet were divided into five groups: 1 – euthyroid control; 2 – animals injection with mercazolyl; 3 – animals injected with cryopreserved placental extract after discontinuation of mercazolyl with verification of hypothyroidism; 4 – animals with confirmed hypothyroidism, which was injected with cryopreserved placental extract at a dose of 100 μl/kg body weight according to a protocol similar to group 3; 5 – animals treated with placenta extract at a dose of 150 μl/kg body weight according to the protocol

  • Used doses of Placental cryoextract’ (PCE) in the range of 50–150 μl/ kg had a stimulating effect on functional activity of the thyroid gland of rats with mercazolyl-induced hypothyroidism: they affected mainly the mechanisms of thyroxine formation and slightly affected triiodothyronine metabolism

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Effectiveness of cryopreserved placental product ‘Placental cryoextract’ to correct the reproductive system disorders, occurring against the background of low levels of thyroid hormones, was studied in 50 male rats with mercazolyl hypothyroidism. Placental cryoextract had a dose-dependent effect on the reproductive system of animals with hypothyroidism: the most effective dose was 150 μl/kg, which maximally restored the morphofunctional parameters of sperm and stimulated testosterone production as well as normalized the Ts/E2 ratio. Недостатність тиреоїдних гормонів спричиняє цілий ряд важких ускладнень, зокрема розладів репродуктивної функції. Disorders of thyroid hormone metabolism impair sexual func- Недостатність тиреоїдних гормонів викликає порушення стероїдогенезу в сім’яниках, в результаті чого зменшується секреція тестостерону (Тс) та підвищується рівень естрадіолу (Е ). На фоні гіпофункції щитоподібної залози у чоловіків можуть спостерігатися явища гіперпролактинемії та гіпогонадизму, а у випадках важкого первинного гіпотиреозу також може розвиватися гіпопітуїтаризм, зумовлений гіперплазією гіпофіза [9, 17, 22, 24]

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