
Background: There are number of maternal and neonatal factors that determine placental characteristics which in turn determine intrauterine life of the fetus. There are limited studies regarding the topic in Nepalese context. Therefore this study aimed to assess the placental characteristics and neonatal outcome of singleton deliveries in a Zonal hospital. Methods: Cross-sectional study was carried out among 300 women with single term delivery using convenience sampling. A structured interview schedule, placental examination perfoma and APGAR score were used to collect data. Data were entered in SPSS version 20 for Windows and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Findings revealed that almost all placentas were red in color (93.3%), round in shape (99.3%), centrally located umbilical cord (96.0%) and normally inserted placental membrane. Mean placental weight and umbilical length was 492.17 (±99.160) gm and 52.89 (±11.151) cm respectively. Almost all neonates had normal birth weight i.e. 2500 gm., mean weight 2936.13 gm. (± 368.33). Seventeen percent of neonate had mild to severe asphyxia in one minute. Significant association was found between placental weight and maternal factors such as educational status (p= 0.008), annual household income (p= 0.013) and parity (p= 0.001). Significant relationship was found between weight of placenta and weight of neonate (rs = 0.335, p = <0.05) as well as weight of neonate and APGAR score (rs =0.145, p = <0.05) Conclusions: Few deliveries have marginal cord insertion and circumvallate placenta. Some neonates have asphyxia and admitted to intensive care unit. Hence regular placental examinations provide valuable information immediate care to mother and neonates.

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