
It is known that electrical stimulation of the external lateral parabrachial nucleus (NLPBe) can sustain concurrent taste and place learning. Place preferences can be learned through different procedures. Previous studies demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the PBNLe can generate aversive and preference place learning using concurrent procedures. In the concurrent procedure, the animals can move freely in the maze, and intracranial electrical stimulation is associated with their voluntary stay in one of the two maze compartments. However, the rewarding properties of most stimuli, whether natural or drugs of abuse, have usually been investigated using the sequential procedure, in which animals are confined while receiving the unconditioned stimulus and then undergo a choice test without stimulation in a later phase. This study examined whether this stimulation can sustain place preference learning in sequential tasks. Results demonstrated that place preferences can also be induced by the electrical stimulation of the NLBe using sequential procedures. These findings suggest that the NLPBe may form part of a brain reward axis that shares certain characteristics with those observed in the processing of natural rewarding agents and especially of drugs of abuse.

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