
Higher education in Cuba has emerged and developed with our social development. The Reform Law of High Education issued on 10 January 1962 in honour of Julio Antonio Mella on the 33rd anniversary of his death fulfilled expectations in this matter. Old wishes of students’ struggles were at last accomplished: a new University arose for the benefit of the people, democratic and available to workers and peasants, adjusted to life in our country and furthermore, being part of it. Medical education which had stood still has recently shown significant changes. Within the first years the changes were limited but they were followed by a new 6-yr plan introducing a rotatory internship as the last year of the medical career alongside the establishment of solid bases in scientific education, practical teaching with a theoretical base and a better distribution of time. Schools of medicine in Oriente and Las Villas Universities were also established during this first period. In 1965 the conceptual frame of Cuban medical education was defined for the first time in our history; modifications were made in 1967, 1968 and 1971. This transforming process went on towards the integration of medical studies and during 1969-1970 a new 6-yr integrated study plan was established and developed in three phases. These changes in medical education show the new production relations, the result of a shift towards socialism which at the same time generated necessary changes in the organization of health services, including those dealing with health work in general.

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