
The spread of Covid 19 has become one of the people's concerns even though at the time of the initial existence of this virus, various efforts in the form of appeals from the government had not really been obeyed by the community. In fact, most people think that the virus will not be as widespread as in the country where it first spread. Various hoaxes regarding weather and climate conditions in Indonesia as conditions that will not cause widespread spread or hoaxes related to ingredients or drugs that are considered to prevent the emergence of Covid 19 have actually been able to influence the public not to fully consider this virus as a threat. However, along with the public's concern about this virus, other impacts have emerged. The implementation of social distancing has had other impacts. In the form of social and economic impacts on society. With the above conditions, we, from STIH IBLAM, conduct a Community Service study program or what is commonly called PKM which with this activity we try to embrace the partnership of the Muhammadiyah Cawang East Jakarta Youth to produce useful products. The product that we will produce is a Hand Sanitizer which can be used to reduce the possibility of transmitting the pandemic outbreak that is currently happening. With our partnership, Pemuda Muhammadiyah making these products with current conditions is indeed not easy, but with the existing obstacles we try to keep making products that we mean with basic ingredients that are safe for our environment. The products we produce will be donated to the surrounding community in connection with the COVID-19 outbreak, maintaining cleanliness and maintaining a healthy environment which is one of the government's programs and recommendations, so that the spread of COVID-19 can be reduced and is also a preventive measure so that the outbreak does not get worse. extends. This PKM activity is carried out by Class 52.S1 of the STIH Iblam Department of Business Law in collaboration with the Cawang Muhammdiyah Youth partnership. The purpose of this activity is to meet the needs of the community for the importance of cleanliness by using safe materials and also to help the community by subsidizing hand sanitizers in the midst of the economic crisis due to the current pandemic. Our target is to assist the government in reducing the spread of the pandemic outbreak, as well as helping the government foster a sense of discipline in personal and environmental hygiene for the community, because personal and environmental hygiene will help us through this pandemic because cleanliness is the key for us to get through the current pandemic.


  • The spread of Covid 19 has become one of the people's concerns even though at the time of the initial existence of this virus, various efforts in the form of appeals from the government had not really been obeyed by the community

  • most people think that the virus will not be as widespread as

  • cause widespread spread or hoaxes related to ingredients or drugs

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Analisis Masalah

Pengabdian kepada masyarakat merupakan salah satu dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) termasuk mata kuliah lapangan yang menitik beratkan pada kerja dan sosialisasi mahasiswa/mahasiswi dimasyarakat. D. Peraturan Pemerintah No 21 tahun 2020 tentang Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar dalam rangka Percepatan Penanganan Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) ditetapkan di Jakarta pada tanggal 31 Maret 2020 oleh Presiden Joko Widodo. Penerbitan regulasi dalam rangka penanganan penyebaran Covid 19 merupakan upaya untuk mendukung keberadaan Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2007 yang menetapkan wabah penyakit sebagai salah satu bencana non-alam yang perlu dikelola potensi ancamannya. Sebaiknya kebijakan social distancing harus dimuat dalam peraturan pemerintah pengganti undang-undang tentang upaya penanganan wabah Covid-19, yang salah satunya mengatur social distancing adalah kewajiban, jika perlu terdapat penegasan berupa sanksi sesuai hukum positif, agar masyarakat tidak hanya sadar akan pentingnya social distancing tetapi juga menerapkan praktiknya. Gambaran ini memberikan informasi yang akan digunakan dalam kami menyusun program kerja dan target dalam PKM yang kami lakukan dan semua tetap dengan rencana kami membantu pemerintah dalam regulasi penanganan wabag COVID-19 ini

Permasalahan Mitra
Metode Pelaksanaan
Tahapan Pelaksanaan
Jenis Kepakaran yang Diperlukan
Gambaran Metode Pelaksanaan Kegiatan PKM
Jadwal Pengabdian Masyarakat
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