
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is important for many developing organs, and for wound healing, fibrosis, and cancer. Pituitary stem cells undergo an EMT-like process as they migrate and initiate differentiation, but little is known about the input of signaling pathways or the genetic hierarchy of the transcriptional cascade. Prop1 mutant stem cells fail to undergo changes in cellular morphology, migration, and transition to the Pou1f1 lineage. We used Prop1 mutant mice to identify the changes in gene expression that are affiliated with EMT-like processes. BMP and TGF-β family gene expression was reduced in Prop1 mutants and Elf5, a transcription factor that characteristically suppresses EMT, had elevated expression. Genes involved in cell-cell contact such as cadherins and claudins were elevated in Prop1 mutants. To establish the genetic hierarchy of control, we manipulated gene expression in pituitary stem cell colonies. We determined that the EMT inducer, Zeb2, is necessary for robust BMP signaling and repression of Elf5. We demonstrated that inhibition of BMP signaling affects expression of target genes in the Id family, but it does not affect expression of other EMT genes. Zeb2 is necessary for expression of the SHH effector gene Gli2. However, knock down of Gli2 has little effect on the EMT-related genes, suggesting that it acts through a separate pathway. Thus, we have established the genetic hierarchy involved in the transition of pituitary stem cells to differentiation.

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