
Pittsburgh for many years has been interested in the problems of occupational adjustment. It was with heightened interest, therefore, that I participated in the recent NOC Occupational Education Tour for School Superintendents.Immediate application of major recommendations made by members of the Tour, published in the June number of OCCUPATIONS, was accomplished in Pittsburgh schools in the late spring and early summer months of 1937. Nearly two years ago our Board of Education provided for a Committee to Study High Schools. The purpose was to bring to the consideration of problems involving the future development of the schools the benefit of the best judgment and experience of the teaching and supervisory staff. The study group represents a cross‐section of our instructional and administrative forces, and gives teachers opportunity to participate in the constructive criticism of existing policies, and the development of new policies.Under the chairmanship of James N. Rule, the committee meeting all day each Monday during the school year, and each week day during the entire month of July, has achieved much in reorganizing and rebuilding our high school program. Especially is this true with respect to matters pertaining to the various phases of Occupational Adjustment, as related by Dr. Rule in the accompanying article. In addition to regular meetings of the committee, special general conferences have been held to which were invited leading laymen and women, local educational leaders, members of the administrative staff, and the high school principals. Outstanding outside educational leaders addressed some of these conferences and consulted with the committee. These included Fred C. Smith, University of Tennessee, Secretary of the National Vocational Guidance Association; Edwin A. Lee, Director, National Occupational Conference; Earl W. Barnhart, United States Office of Education; Herbert E. Hawkes, Columbia University; W. C. Reavis, University of Chicago; and John W. Withers, New York University.

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