
Detection of hemoglobin (Hb) and red blood cells in urine (hematuria) is characterized by a large number ofpitfalls. Clinicians and laboratory specialists must be aware of these pitfalls since they often lead to medical overconsumption or incorrect diagnosis. Pre-analytical issues (use of vacuum tubes or urine tubes containing preservatives) can affect test results. In routine clinical laboratories, hematuria can be assayed using either chemical (test strips) or particle-counting techniques. In cases of doubtful results, Munchausen syndrome or adulteration ofthe urine specimen should be excluded. Pigmenturia (caused by the presence of dyes, urinary metabolites such asporphyrins and homogentisic acid, and certain drugs in the urine) can be easily confused with hematuria. The peroxidase activity (test strip) can be positively affected by the presence of non-Hb peroxidases (e.g. myoglobin, semen peroxidases, bacterial, and vegetable peroxidases). Urinary pH, haptoglobin concentration, and urine osmolality may affect specific peroxidase activity. The implementation of expert systems may be helpful in detecting preanalytical and analytical errors in the assessment of hematuria. Correcting for dilution using osmolality, density, or conductivity may be useful for heavily concentrated or diluted urine samples.

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