
ISSUES OF LITERARY INTERPRETATION AND A PROPOSAL FOR INTERPRETING AND EVALUATING IVAN CANKAR’S NOVELS Reading, interpretation and analysis are closely connected in contemporary literary interpretation. Their syncretism is also influenced by narratology, which today acts as a useful theoretical mediator between (narrative) structures and interpretative approaches. Thus, contemporary literary interpretation includes two levels (assem-bling reference frames and filling the gaps) with several processes, and four elements, i.e., the author, the text, the reader and the context, the most important of which is the intention of the text. Interpretations of Cankar’s novels differ already on the first level of literary interpretation, mainly due to digressive narrative and a high degree of emotionality. For the future second level of interpretation of Cankar’s novels, the paper suggests the following elements: moral perspectivism, taboos or stereotypes, autobiography, the relationship between the narrator and the character, in other words the use of the latest approaches, such as e.g., narrative empathy, narratological analysis of poetics and postfeminist approaches.

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