
We describe four unusual burials (No. 4, 8, 13, and 15) displaying features of the Pit-Grave rite under mound 1 at Levoyegorlyksky-3 in the Stavropol Territory, dating to mid-4th millennium BC. The mound had been constructed to mark the main burial (No. 15), which predates others. While the preservation of skeletons is poor, the position of the deceased was determined as fl exed supine. The mound was encircled by a stone curb (cromlech). Inside the mound and the cromlech, fragments of early Maikop vessels were found. The main burial, however, contained pottery typical of the steppe Chalcolithic cultures. In the intrusive burial No. 4, a Maikop-type dagger, a stone pick, a gold pendant, and a fl int fl ake were found. The dagger has early Maikop parallels, whereas the pick is similar to late Maikop (Dolinskoye) ones, found in the central piedmont of northern Caucasus. This burial presents a striking testimony to the impact of the funerary tradition of the Maikop military elite on the Pit-Grave rite. On the other hand, it suggests that Dolinskoye-type stone picks may evidence the infl uence of the Pit-Grave culture at the early stage of Maikop.


  • We describe four unusual burials (No 4, 8, 13, and 15) displaying features of the Pit-Grave rite under mound 1 at Levoyegorlyksky-3 in the Stavropol Territory, dating to mid-4th millennium BC

  • The mound was encircled by a stone curb

  • The dagger has early Maikop parallels, whereas the pick is similar to late Maikop (Dolinskoye) ones, found in the central piedmont of northern Caucasus

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В статье публикуется уникальный комплекс из четырех погребений (No 4, 8, 13, 15), совершенных по обрядам ямной культуры в кург. 1 могильника Левоегорлыкский-3 в Ставропольском крае. В статье публикуется уникальный комплекс из четырех погребений (No 4, 8, 13, 15), совершенных по обрядам ямной культуры в кург. The dagger has early Maikop parallels, whereas the pick is similar to late Maikop (Dolinskoye) ones, found in the central piedmont of northern Caucasus This burial presents a striking testimony to the impact of the funerary tradition of the Maikop military elite on the Pit-Grave rite. It suggests that Dolinskoye-type stone picks may evidence the influence of the Pit-Grave culture at the early stage of Maikop. Племена майкопско-новосвободненской общности (МНО), как известно, оказали большое влияние на своих северных соседей – носителей древнеямной культуры Предкавказья и Кумо-Манычской впадины [Мерперт, 1974, с. Вместе с тем мы еще не располагаем достаточным количеством источников, содержащих информацию о контактах этих двух важнейших слагаемых народонаселения Предкавказья в IV тыс. В предлагаемой публикации анализируются погребения древнеямной культуры, относящиеся к стадии возникновения и начала функционирования кург. 1 могильника Левоегорлыкский-3 и отражающие такое культурное взаимодействие

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