
This study has to do with a tract of land in central Argentinanot a community, not a distinct district, not even a well-defined territory, but an undifferentiated fragment of a large region (Fig. 1). The choice of area of Pirovano for study does not represent a preference for such a fragment instead of a complete unitof human occupancy, but does represent exigencies of field work in a large uninterrupted region of great complexity. At first glance complexity may seem to be a term unsuited to describe this region, academically called the Wet Pampa or, less accurately, the Pampa; and noted for its simplicity. The Pirovano tract of land is a nearly flat and entirely undistinguished part of this extensive plain. The fact that it lies near 100meter contour line does not distinguish it from imperceptibly lower land stretching away to northeast and imperceptibly higher land to southwest (Fig. 2). Even fact that it lies near an apparent divide between interior and exterior drainage areas involves no perceptible contrast, so-called interior drainage here being only a more complete lack of outflowing surface drainage. Similarly there is nothing critical about line of 30 inches of average annual rainfall which passes near Pirovano, nor summer isotherm of 720 F. and winter isotherm of 49?. Thus Pirovano is in an area of uniform conditions, not only called simple, but generally called monotonous. Sixty years ago this was grassy pampa, free Indian hunting ground. Today it is no longer pampa in true sense of an unwooded, unfenced, untilled plain. A transformatiod has taken place since 1875, in-. volving area in a new and complex pattern of terrace occupancy.

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