
Part 1 Fluid flow: fluid flow crude oils gas flow pressure drop measurement natural gas slurry systems, nomograph slurry systems and pipelines two-phase design two-phase pressure drop computation water hammer. Part 2 Fluidics. Part 3 Piping design: piping design economic diameter equivalent length estimation fittings, number and types fittings, pressure drop flashing steam condensate gravity flow liquid carbon dioxide maximum pressure for steel piping offshore considerations photogrammetry and computer-aided polytropic compression sizing economics steam lines, optimum diameter temperature (high) considerations temperature (low) considerations tracing costs vacuum considerations piping and instrumentation diagrams thermoplastic hose around control valves. Part 4 Pipeline design: dynamic programming manifolds non-Newtonian flow slurry systems slurry systems, energy reduction two-phase flow, pressure drop and holdup equations waxy crude oils permafrost considerations flow basics loops or expansion joints materials - selection costs, installation. Part 5 Buried pipelines: corrosion control design heat loss. Part 6 Pipeline support design. Part 7 Pipeline shortcut methods: collapsing pressure collapsing pressure, nomograph discharge from horizontal pipes discharge from vertical pipes economic pipe sizes expansion of pipe fow rates friction losses, contraction or expansion friction losses, fittings friction losses, incompressible and compressible flow friction losses, nonstandard ducts friction losses, straight gas flow looped lines parallel lines parallel lines, computer method pressure drop relative capacities of pipes sizing for steam traps steel pipe properties two-phase flow weight of piping. Part 7 Pipeline operation and maintenance: friction reduction cleaning coatings wear repairing, in-service service problems freezing, prevention of by bleeding leak detection leak detection using SCADA information. Part 8 Pipeline failure: pipeline failure outside-force damage subsidence strains rupture replacement projects, risk analysis. Part 9 Pipeline economics and costs: pipeline economics and costs construction, worldwide.

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