
The NA62 experiment at CERN, aimed to measure K+→π+νν¯ branching fraction (O(10−10)), relies on a Neon based RICH detector for π/μ separation, time measurement and level 0 trigger. The experimental requirements for this detector are: a muon contamination in pion samples lower than 5×10−3 in the momentum range 15–35GeV/c and a time resolution on the charged track better than 100ps. A prototype of such a detector was built and tested in 2009; it consists of a full length (≈18m) Ne filled vessel equipped with a spherical mirror and 414 PMs on its focal plane, located about 17m upstream of the mirror. This prototype was tested at CERN SPS on a positive hadron beam, in the required momentum range, to measure the π/μ separation and to confirm the time resolution obtained with a previous prototype; the μ misidentification probability is about 0.7% and the time resolution is better than 100ps in the whole momentum range.

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