
A memorandum from Tate dated 19 April 1966 informed staff that following a decision of the Governing Body (re-named Council on achieving university status) to divide the Department of Management and Social Science, the Academic Board (re-named Senate) approved the suggestion that the department should run in two sections pending the appointment of new Heads of Department — Social Science and Humanities to be led by Ron Stansfield (Reader in Charge) and Management Studies by David Manning (Senior Lecturer in charge). By the time the inaugural ceremonies of the City University were celebrated in October 1966 the Department of Management and Social Science had split into two departments. In those days university departments were expected to be headed by someone of professorial standing. Other departments in the new university were well established, and there was no problem in appointing an internal candidate to the headship and a chair at the same time. The new department of Social Science and Humanities had to wait for an external appointment to be made. This was done in September 1967 when the distinguished educationalist and humanitarian, Sir Robert Birley, took up the reins (Leyton had retired in 1966 as a result of ill-health).KeywordsBusiness SchoolIndustrial RelationManagement StudyAdvisory PanelInternational BankingThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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