
Using realistic 3-body Faddeev wave functions π± scattering and π+ photoproduction on 3He have been calculated in a consistent model. We demonstrate that at T π ≤ 180MeV polarization observables in pion scattering contain very little information about nuclear structure and can be understood in terms of free πN amplitudes. At higher energies the sign-flip of the asymmetry A y offers a new possibility to study higher-order effects of pion nuclear interaction. In pion photoproduction we find that two-step processes such as 3 He(γ, π°)3 He(π°, π+)3 H give rise to unexpected large contributions to the differential crosssection as well as to γ-asymmetry and with this improved a long time discrepancy between experiment and previous calculations has been removed.Pion scattering and pion photoproduction off the 3He target is of particular interest because in this case we have reasonably well defined nuclear wave functions obtained as a solution of Faddeev’s equations [1]. This circumstance combined with large activity in this area of the experimental groups at TRIUMF, PSI and LAMPF creates ideal conditions to study the mechanisms of these reactions.

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