
The optical model derived from Watson's multiple scattering theory is applied to the analysis of the π 12C elastic scattering around the ( 3 2 , 3 2 ) resonance. In this energy range, the validity of the approximations used in the Kisslinger model is dubious and our aim is to avoid them. Thus we make some corrections to the impulse approximation and show that one can separate the nucleon binding effect from the effect of the Pauli principle in the π-nucleon transition matrix in nuclear matter. In the evaluation of the optical potential we use a parametrization of the π-nucleon transition matrix close to the form given by the Chew-Low model. The first-order term is calculated correctly by taking into account Fermi motion and using the correct kinematics, whereas the second-order term is evaluated using the static and closure approximations. The results obtained show that the impulse, static and even the coherent scattering approximations are not justified in this energy range. However there still remains a discrepancy between our results and the experimental ones.

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