
This paper develops a map of the natural area of Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmanni in the Beticas Mountain Range based on the Digital version of the Forestry Vegetation Map of Spain. This map has been compared with the most commonly used Potential Vegetation, Geology and Lithology maps. A bibliographic research has been carried out with a selection of Holocene deposits where Pinus nigra pollen, wood or charcoal has been found. With this information collected, a discussion about the natural distribution of Pinus nigra at the Béticas Mountain Range and the difficulty of matching this distribution within the most common phytosociological models has been posed. Ecological and palaeoecological data have been given to stress the importance of developing more complex models, considering factors beyond climate and soil, to explain the forest dynamics. It has been confirmed the hypothesis about the existence of Pinus nigra in the Holocene in two Andalousian Mountain Range (Gádor in the province of Almeria and Sierras Sub-Béticas in the province of Córdoba), where this species are currently extinguished. Considering all these data it is emphasized the interest and importance of conservation of natural salzmann pine forests in this area.

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