
Pinus mutoi is described as a new species on the basis of a permineralized seed cone from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan. The cone is at least 20 cm long and up to 6 cm in diameter, consisting of a cone axis and numerous cone‐scale complexes that are arranged helically around the axis. Two winged seeds are borne on the adaxial surface of each ovuliferous scale. Each complex receives a single trace from the vascular cylinder of the cone axis. In the scale base, all the resin canals occur abaxially to the vascular strand. The spatulate bract of the fossil is unique to the specimen among the cones of both living and fossil Pinus. The central umbo, broad sclerotic cortex of cone axis, and absence of serotinous features of the fossil cone suggest affinity with the subsection Sylvestres of the section Pinus, subgenus Pinus. This is the first record of permineralized preserved Pinus cone from the Cretaceous of Eastern Eurasia.

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