
This paper describes six species of permineralized pinoid woods with resin canals from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan and Saghalien:Piceoxylon transiens Shimakura,P. scleromedullosum Shimakura,P. macroporosum sp. nov.,P. takahashii sp. nov.,Pinuxylon microporosum Ogura andPinoxylon dakotense (Knowlton) Read (new to Saghalien and the Cretaceous).Piceoxylon macroporosum is characterized by large resin canals and rays without ray tracheids and in lacking tylosoids in resin canals.Piceoxylon takahashii, which resemblesP. scleromedullosum, is distinguished from the latter in having ray tracheids and nests of sclereids in pith.

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