
The gimmicks have ranged from golf balls covered with pink ribbons to designer nightshirts, but the message is deadly serious. This is international breast cancer awareness month, and one in twelve women in Britain will develop the disease. While almost every disorder from dyslexia to constipation has awareness weeks, none, with the exception of AIDS, has captured the media so successfully as breast cancer. This month, in over 40 countries and particularly in Britain and the United States, breast cancer has been publicised in television documentaries, in women's magazines, and on the health pages of newspapers. The Independent had an eight page supplement produced jointly with the Health Education Authority. The Breast Cancer Campaign, one of at least six charities dealing with breast cancer in Britain, has put information pages on the Internet. Manufacturing industry has offered enthusiastic support. Estee Lauder is giving away pink ribbons, the symbol of breast cancer awareness, at their cosmetic counters, as well as leaflets on self examination; Wonderbra, symbol of …

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