
ABSTRACT Pingströrelsen [The Swedish Pentecostal movement] is one of the largest denominations in Sweden with over 100,000 people regularly involved in ministries. Pingströrelsen has a history of more than 100 years and has undergone major shifts in the last 20 years. In this article, the development during the last decades is described and analysed with focus on the concepts: continuity and change. One of the major changes is the organizational structure which has shiftedfrom a non-denominational informal network to a formalized denomination. The conclusion is that the organizational structure has been changed in order to maintain its culture. This is illustrated by the formal name of the denomination: Pingst – fria församlingar i samverkan [Pentecost – free churches in cooperation]. Another area of development is in theology where the analysis shows considerable continuity except in the teachings on the baptism in Spirit and in eschatology. The conclusion is that the fields of Pentecostal distinctives are being toned down.

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