
Our objective was to estimate the budgetary impact of adding Ceftazidime-Avibactam (CAZ-AVI) as a therapy option for hospitalized patients in Argentina. An excel-based budget impact model was adapted to the Argentinean context to estimate budget impact of adding CAZ-AVI as therapy option in hospitalized patients with cUTI, cIAI, HAP/VAP from the payer perspective in 3-year time horizon. Number of eligible patients was estimated from Argentinian epidemiological data. Cure rates were based on clinical trials, published data and local expert opinion. Hospital length of stay associated with treatment cures/failures was derived from clinical trials of CAZ-AVI. Costs of drugs were obtained from ANMAT's National Drug Vademecum. Costs of hospital stay were based on tariffs from private institutions of Argentina. Costs were expressed in 2018 US-dollars (exchange rate: $1=AR$36.8, November 2018). Current and future market shares were based on market research data and assumptions. Results are reported in terms of annual and per-patient budget impact. In Argentina, the estimated number of patients eligible for CAZ-AVI was 5,995, 6,388 and 6,791, in each year respectively. The estimated net budget impact for the introduction of CAZ-AVI was - $171,513; - $452,487 and -$690,710 for the 1 to 3 years respectively. The cumulative net budget impact was -$1,314,710, representing an impact of -1.07% compared to a scenario without CAZ-AVI, and mainly driven by the reduction in hospital bed days and hospitalization costs. The total cost per treated patient, prior to CAZ-AVI introduction, was estimated to be $6,412 [$7,210 (cIAI), $5,265 (cUTI), $8,072 (HAP/VAP)] and $6,343 [$6,918 (cIAI), $5,199 (cUTI), $8,229 (HAP/VAP)] after the introduction of CAZ-AVI. Our results suggest that the inclusion of CAZ-AVI as a therapeutic option in hospitalized patients with cUTI, cIAI, HAP/VAP could generate budgetary savings compared to current treatment options.

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