
Rotavirus (RV) infection is a leading cause of severe diarrhoea among young children in Switzerland and it is associated with a significant financial burden. Two RV vaccines are marketed globally, but only RIX4414 is licensed in Switzerland. This study aims to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of RV vaccination with RIX4414 among children less than 5 years of age in Switzerland. A previously published age-compartmental Markov cohort model with monthly cycles was used to evaluate the RV events and the associated health outcomes and costs over the first 5 years of a new-born cohort. It compared the RV burden in a cohort of 84,823 new-borns with or without RIX4414. Transition probabilities, vaccine efficacy, Quality-Adjusted-Life-Years (QALY), Swiss specific incidence and costs data were obtained from literature or official reports. Retail vaccine price of CHF61.60 per dose was used. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated under a payer’s perspective. Extensive sensitivity analyses were also performed to test the robustness of the results. The vaccination programme with RIX4414 at 90% coverage rate would prevent 1,411 hospitalisation (88%), 145 nosocomial infections (63%), 3,914 emergency room visits (88%), 13,006 medical visits (87%) and 27,861 (70%) RV events. From a payer’s perspective, the vaccine cost completely offset the direct RV medical cost and vaccination may offer 39 extra QALYs. Sensitivity analyses showed that the frequency of medical visits, of RV events and the cost of hospitalisation were the key drivers influencing the results. RV vaccination programme with RIX4414 could reduce substantially the number of RV cases. The vaccine cost offsets the total direct medical costs.

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