
Abstract The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Exploration, Development, and Production (EDP) R&D Department has developed a new, Stage-Gate process for new technology development and qualification, Tech Qual, for deployment across the ADNOC Group. The proposed process aims to minimize the Risk associated with deploying new technologies to a level that can be managed or mitigated, ensuring compliance with Operational constraints and promoting safety to our assets and the environment. The Process, which is rooted in NASA's Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale, builds upon the shared heritage of ADNOC's Operating Companies (OPCOs) and our International Shareholders in developing and qualifying new technologies. It was launched in pilot status in Q3 2015 with the objective of becoming a powerful tool for centralizing and optimizing investment in new technology development (Tech Qual Stage Gate 1) and qualification (Tech Qual Stage Gate 2). It enables ADNOC and its OPCOs to make value-based decisions on allocation of R&D funding and sponsorship of new technologies in accordance with our Technology Roadmap. In this paper, we present a background of the proposed ADNOC Tech Qual process, why and how it was developed. Also presented are cases in the qualification of new technologies under development or developed within the ADNOC Group or in collaboration with partner Shareholders and Service companies, spanning different intervals of the Technology Readiness Level scale and passing Stage Gates 1 or 2 of the Process. The technologies are qualified by means of select cross-functional, expert teams to ensure that they are strategically aligned with the Roadmap or respond to pressing Operational Challenges, possess the correct level of maturity on the TRL scale, and that resources are available to progress through the Stage Gate to the next phase of their technology life-cycle. Lessons are drawn from this experience for the shared benefit of the technology development community. With the new Process, ADNOC creates a common language for maturing new technologies in a new culture of Innovation and Knowledge Sharing. Centralizing the Process improves its efficiency and reduces duplication of efforts by the Operating Companies. ADNOC hence maintains a catalogue of qualified new technologies to be made accessible to all Operating Companies. The ultimate benefit of the Process is UAE/ADNOC's ability to garner world-class experience and technology development partnerships as it pursues its long-term R&D Strategy.

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