
Raman fiber amplifier (RFA) can be used for amplifying signals in all wavelength bands. To obtain flat Raman gain in considered wavelength range, we can use either more fiber amplifiers for different wave bands or more pump sources combined with appropriate pump powers at appropriate wavelengths. However, appropriate wavelengths and powers make the communication system complex and not easily controlled. Because of its ultra-wide band single mode operation, flexible structure design, their realization of high nonlinearity and overall controlled dispersion properties, photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is recognized as a novel class of fibers and a promising new kind of Raman gain medium. The larger nonlinear coefficient could be obtained by reducing mode area through its air hole microstructure region, thus leading to a greatly improved Raman gain coefficient. In this paper, we have modeled and simulated Raman gain properties of PCFs. Appropriate pump wavelengths and output powers are used as the multi-pump for PCFRAs. Through tuning the pump wavelengths and their output powers we can obtain the gain bandwidth of 40nm (from 1530nm to 1570nm) and the gain value is 14dB with ±0.5dB ripple.

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