
In a pilot test experiment involving approximately 200,000 gallons of groundwater, Electrochemical Peroxidation (ECP) was used to degrade aqueous phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) compounds and methyl tertbutyl ether (MTBE) from a petroleum spill. ECP involves a form of the Fenton's Reagent reaction, which uses electrochemically generated iron and dilute hydrogen peroxide (<30 mg/L) to break down organic molecules through oxidation to carbon dioxide and water. This article discusses a pilot scale demonstration of the ECP technology and its application to aqueous phase organic contaminants. The remedial approach used at the pilot test site involves three phases: (1) ex-situ chemical oxidation, (2) in-situ oxidation by reinjection of treated effluent near the plume origin, and (3) reestablishment of aerobic biodegradation as the residual hydrogen peroxide discharged to a series of upgradient wells degrades to oxygen. Analytical results of the pilot demonstration indicate that the ex-situ chemical oxidation reduced total BTEX concentrations in groundwater from over 1,000 ppb to undetectable concentrations (<1 ppb). © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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