
As a power utility operator in Malaysia, TNB always aims in optimizing the transmission lines utilization to prevent power operational constraints during heavy power transfer. The conservative approach of using Static Line Rating (SLR) for the existing transmission line allows the fixed current capacity based on the conductor line characteristic during the worst conditions. Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) is a reliable solution that offers the increased current capacity in the transmission line capacity while maintaining the performance of the existing equipment by considering actual ambient conditions and the line characteristics. The implementation of the pilot project on DLR system at identified critical line of 275kV Segar – Pantai – Ayer is demonstrated in this paper. Two spans are chosen to install the DLR sensor which are Span#1 (Tower 25 – 26), and Span#2 (Tower 48 – 49) but details on Span#1 will be further discussed in this paper. After one-year, the DLR system is successfully commissioned and available data can be accessed via a web portal. The data analysis on DLR depicts that realtime rating (DLR) is higher by 30% than the static line rating most of the time, thus showing a great potential to improve the utilization in line capacity.

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