
In this work, we demonstrate the potential of a piezoelectric resonator for developing a low-cost sensor system to detect microscopic particles in real-time, which can be present in a wide variety of environments and workplaces. The sensor working principle is based on the resonance frequency shift caused by particles collected on the resonator surface. To test the sensor sensitivity obtained from mass-loading effects, an Aluminum Nitride-based piezoelectric resonator was exposed to cigarette particles in a sealed chamber. In order to determine the resonance parameters of interest, an interface circuit was implemented and included within both open-loop and closed-loop schemes for comparison. The system was capable of tracking the resonance frequency with a mass sensitivity of 8.8 Hz/ng. Although the tests shown here were proven by collecting particles from a cigarette, the results obtained in this application may have interest and can be extended towards other applications, such as monitoring of nanoparticles in a workplace environment.


  • Microscopic particles are present in many environments, e.g., the aerospace, healthcare or pharmaceutical industries, and workplaces

  • In this work, we demonstrate the potential of a piezoelectric resonator for developing a low-cost sensor system to detect microscopic particles in real-time, which can be present in a wide variety of environments and workplaces

  • To test the sensor sensitivity obtained from mass-loading effects, an Aluminum Nitride-based piezoelectric resonator was exposed to cigarette particles in a sealed chamber

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Microscopic particles are present in many environments, e.g., the aerospace, healthcare or pharmaceutical industries, and workplaces. For this reason, many studies have been reported about the adverse effects to human health due to their small size and the potential to cause respiratory diseases [1,2,3]. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, tthhee rreessoonnaattoorr cchhiipp ccoouulldd bbee cclleeaanneedd wwiitthh iissoopprrooppaannooll wwiitthhoouutt nneeeeddiinngg ttoo bbee rreemmoovveedd bbeeffoorree ffrroomm iittss ppaacckkaaggee. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, aa cclloosseedd--lloooopp cciirrccuuiitt,, bbaasseedd oonn tthhee pphhaassee--lloocckkeedd lloooopp ((PPLLLL)) iinntteeggrraatteedd cciirrccuuiitt 7744HHCCTT44004466 [[2299]],, iiss iimmpplleemmeenntteedd ffoorr ttrraacckkiinngg tthhee rreessoonnaanntt ppaarraammeetteerrss ooff tthhee rreessoonnaattoorr. IsIncirthcuisitc, itrhceuifte,etdhbeacfekeedrbraocrksiegrnraolrissiagnpahlaissealapgh, ainssetelaagd, ionfsateavdolotafgaevoorltacugreroenr tcuarsreinntcaosnivnecnotinovneanltfioeendabl afecekdsbyasctkemsyss.teTmhes.sTelhfe-csoerlrfe-ccotirnrgecctianpgabcailpitaybiolfitythoisf tshyisstesmystaelmlowalslotwhes tPhLeLPLtoLmtoomdiofyditfhyethoescoisllcailtliaotniofnrefqreuqeunecnycaysaas afufuncntcitoinonoof fmmaasssscchhaannggeess oonn tthhee rreessoonnaattoorr ssuurrffaaccee dduuee ttoo tthhee aaddddiittiioonn ooff ppaarrttiicclleess. FFiigguurree 44..SchSecmheamticatoicf pohfaspeh-laoscek-elodckloeodp l(oPoLpL)(7P4LHLC) T7440H4C6 To4sc0i4ll6atoorscciilrlacutoitr incicrlcuudiitngintchluedinintegrfathcee icnirtceurfiat.ce circuit

Measurements and mMeetthhooddss
Closed-Loop Measurements
Estimation of Added Mass
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