
Sister Faustina Kowalska is one of the most famous saints of the Catholic Church. Her mystical experiences, written down in the “Diary”, became well known throughout the entire world, resulting in the proclamation of the message of divine mercy and in the promotion of its devotion. However, the message does not ignore the issue of God’s wrath and the so-called divine punishment connected with it, punishments which concern temporal reality as well as eternal life. The first kind of punishments appear in human life as various misfortunes which call or spur the individual to  conversion. The other kind, however, involves eternal damnation in Hell. The present article is dedicated to this latter question of  Hell as an expression of divine wrath, in the experiences of the Saint. We can note that her impressions in this matter are of three varieties: first, the “dark night” sensations, then the moments in which she accompanies the moribund into damnation’s danger, and finally her mystical vision of Hell itself. Analysis of all these experiences allows us to discern, through the Saint's eyes, the true purpose of Hell’s message: It is not merely to satisfy our curiosity about the fate and status of the damned, but rather should inform an intensive focus on one's own proper salvation, and on the salvation of other sinners. Moreover, a proper view of these things does not need to exclude the hope of salvation for everyone.

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