
Absolutely continuous invariant measures of deterministic dynamical systems and random dynamical systems respectively are studied via a general spline maximum entropy optimization method. In the first part of this paper, we consider piecewise convex deterministic dynamical systems (maps) $$\tau : [0, 1]\rightarrow [0, 1]$$ and we study their absolutely continuous invariant measures. We assume that the deterministic piecewise convex transformation $$\tau $$ has a unique absolutely continuous invariant measure (acim) $$\mu ^*$$ with density $$f^*.$$ We present a general spline maximum entropy optimization method for the approximation of $$f^*.$$ The proof of convergence of our general spline maximum entropy optimization method is presented. A numerical example is presented for the general spline (linear, quadratic and cubic respectively) maximum entropy numerical scheme for the approximation of $$f^*.$$ In the second part of this paper, we generalize above results for weakly convex position dependent random map $$T=\{\tau _1(x),\tau _2(x),\ldots , \tau _K(x); p_1(x),p_2(x),\ldots ,p_K(x)\}$$ on $$I=[0, 1],$$ where $$\tau _k: [0, 1] \rightarrow [0, 1]), k=1, 2, \dots , K$$ is a piecewise convex map and $$\{p_1(x), p_2(x),\ldots ,p_K(x) \}$$ is a set of position dependent probabilities on [0, 1]. We assume that T has a unique acim $$\nu ^*$$ with density $$h^*.$$ We present a general spline maximum entropy optimization method for the approximation of $$h^*.$$ The proof of convergence of our numerical schemes is presented. Also, we present a numerical example of the general spline maximum entropy method for the approximation of $$h^*.$$

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