
Abstract Transient spectral hole-burning is studied experimentally and theoretically. Measurements are carried out on a silicate xerogel sample doped with oxazine 750. A picosecond pump and probe technique is employed using a made-locked ruby laser and an optical fiber light continuum generator. The temperature is varied in a range from 8 to 295 K. A vibronic transition hole-burning situation is observed (no zero-phonon transition is resolved). The population hole linewidth in the S0 band and the population antihole linewidth in the S1 band increase from Δ ν h ≈ 22 cm −1 at 8 K to Δ ν h ≈ 75 cm −1 at 295 K. The inhomogeneous linewidth is Δ ν inh ≈ 700 cm −1 . For the observed vibronic transition situation an analytical scheme is presented for the approximate determination of the homogeneous linewidth, and a numerical differential equation system is derived and applied for a detailed analysis.

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