
The study is dedicated to the analysis of finds of fossil plants in the Kiya River basin (West Siberia, Mariinsk and Chebula districts of the Kemerovo region) with the characteristic of the Serta paleofloral complex from the Kiya Formation, Kubaevo and Podaik complexes originating from the basal layers of the Simonovo Formation. It is shown that the Serta floral complex characterizes the autonomous late Albian stage in development of the Cretaceous flora in West Siberia, while the Kubaevo and Podaik floral complexes reflect different types of plant communities of the Chulym stage in development of this flora (Cenomanian). It is established that flora-bearing layers of the Simonovo Formation in the Kiya River basin rest with the erosional surface upon flora-bearing sediments of the Kiya Formation. The obtained data allow the conclusion that the Kiya and Simonovo formations form a stratigraphic succession, do not replace laterally each other and, correspondingly, are diachronous.

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